AUTHOR STALK!!! Interview with author Kandy Kay Scaramuzzo

I am pleased to announce that I have tracked down and twisted the arm of Author Kandy Kay Scaramuzzo into an interview of her book “Pie and Old Brown Horse.”

Author Bio

Kandy K author pic

Kandy Kay Scaramuzzo is a seventh generation Texan who has her own brick at The Cowgirl Museum. She has taught in alternative education for over twenty years. Ms.Scaramuzzo is a member of the 2012 Strathmore’s Who’s Who. She has a BA in Criminology and MAedCT. She works in horse, dog, cat and snake rescues. Ms. Scaramuzzo has been a tester observer for therapy dogs for nine years. She ran a therapy horse riding program for autistic children for five years. She has been a recognized animal behaviorist for over 20 years. This is her first book about an exceptional horse. She feels it is important to give back to maintain the balance of a civilized society.

Author Interview

      1. What are your ambitions for your writing career?

I am having such a good time with this; I would love to do it full time.

  1. Which writers inspire you?

I love the creativity of Edgar Allen Poe

  1. What have you written? (*Include books, novellas, short stories, poems, blogs, awards, or anything of interest*)

I have written a short story in the voice of my character for a fiction contest.

  1. Give us some insight into the main character. What does he/she do that is so special?

My main character is a little different from most. He is the one telling the story in the book; he is also a 38 year old rescued ranch horse.  He was injured in his old age and basically thrown away.  As it turns out he had a lot left to give in the second part of his life.  He became an amazing therapy horse and mentor to many.

  1. What are you working on right now?

At the moment, I am still working out how to promote my book successfully.

  1. What genre are your books?

My book is nonfiction, memoir

  1. What draws you to this genre?

I know the story, so it is easy for me to tell.  I have lived it.

  1. Have you written any other novels in collaboration with any other authors?


  1. When did you decide to become an author?

I don’t think I decided to become an author, I think it just happened.

  1. Why do you write?

I have always liked to write.  I have admired those that did it successfully. I never really thought about doing it myself until Pie’s story came along and I thought it needed to be told.

  1. Do you have a special time you write or how is your day structured?

Most of the actual physical writing I do early in the morning or late at night. Most of the creating I do in my head.  I have a full time job and a barn full of horses.  Time is not something I can waste.

  1. Where do your ideas come from?

So far they have come from life experiences. I‘ve lived a lot in my years and seen a lot.

  1. What was the hardest thing about writing your latest book?

I think the hardest part was knowing I had to put it out there and someone was going to criticize it.

  1. What is the easiest thing about writing?

Writing the story

  1. How long on average does it take you to write a book? 

This is my first book and it took about a year from the idea to publication

  1. Do you ever get writer’s block?

I haven’t yet, knock on wood

  1. How many more books do you plan to be in this series?

I really don’t know at this point if I will make this a series or not.  That is pretty much up to Pie.

  1. What project are you working on now?

I am promoting Pie

  1. Who designs your book covers?

I do not know the man’s name; it was a graphic artist at Outskirts Press.

  1. How are you published (*i.e. indie, traditional, or both) and why?

I guess you would call me Indie.  That is the way I chose to go. No particular reason other than I was in a hurry to get the book done.

  1. What would you say are the main advantages/disadvantages about being self-published/traditional publishing?

I would say with self-publishing, you can tell your story the way you want to do it. I have no experience with traditional so I can’t say.

  1. How do you market your books?

    Basically I follow the traditional indie route. Author interviews, blogs, book signings, radio shows.  Whatever I can do to get my book out to an audience.

  1. How did you choose this route?

I am following the examples of  those before me. I see no reason to reinvent the wheel.

  1. Do you have any advice for other authors taking the same route as you?

You must be prepared to spend a lot of time on this endeavor. It is not for the faint of heart.

  1. Do you have a strategy for finding book reviewers?

I check out different blogs and websites, plus Facebook and look for people who have an interest in horses.

  1. Do you have any amusing stories from your adventures in the writing world?

You may find this amusing.  I went to a book signing at a feed store.  Some big time horse feed reps were supposed to do a big production.  I got there and they had cancelled. I ended up in a parking lot with my books.  I felt a little silly, but stuck it out.

  1. What are your views on social networking for marketing?

Which worked best for you?   They are necessary to get the word out. I don’t think any one or the other is better, I think the combination is the key.

  1. Did you make any marketing mistakes or is there anything you would avoid in the future?

Oh, boy did I!  In a miscommunication with the publisher, my book went out without the final edit.  It had to be recalled and re-edited and all the sold copies had to be replaced.  I would definitely like to avoid that.

  1. What is your favorite motivational phrase? 

So what you can, with what you have, while you have it.  Theodore Roosevelt

  1. What is your favorite book and why?

Crime and Punishment.  I love the way the guilt ran all through the book and finally won out in the end.

  1. Where can you see yourself in 5 years time?

Still writing and still rescuing.

  1. What advice would you give to your younger self?

Take time to enjoy life.

  1. How can readers discover more about you?

Website :  






Amazon Author page:


Book links:



  1. To end: Give us three Good to Know things about you. Be creative.
  1. 1.        I’m very observant
  2. 2.       I’m very intuitive
  3. 3.       I shoot straight from the hip

pie an old horse cover


Who Decides When a Horse Is No Longer Useful?
This five star Readers’ Favorite is the story of  Pie, a working ranch horse well past retirement age. When he was injured, he was considered used up, with nothing left to give. At the mercy of those who owned him, he was sent off to be sold or destroyed, depending on his ability to recover. But Pie knew something the ranch owners didn’t know: he was far from useless. This book tells the story of a horse who still had heart and soul and strength to give, and shares the amazing things he did in the second part of his life. Pie is truly one of the great horses, and you will get to know him and his amazing spirit as he tells you his tale as only he can, from his point of view. You’ll be among the many people whose lives he touched, as you join his remarkable journey to prove that every animal deserves the chance to age with grace and wisdom.

So, now that I have had a chance to pin her down for this interrogation, take some time to pick up this book; whether from Amazon, B&N, or your local library.

Buried Under Books

~ by buriedunderbooks1 on June 18, 2013.

2 Responses to “AUTHOR STALK!!! Interview with author Kandy Kay Scaramuzzo”

  1. Thank you for having me Melissa! It looks fabulous!

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